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Call Waiting

Every so often the question, “What am I doing?” pops into my head. Usually when I'm working on something and I’m tired and begin to wonder, Am I suppose to be doing this? Am I living out my calling? These are questions that are too important to leave unanswered.

Are you being called? Are you on the main line with your current job and your “calling” is beeping through on the other line. Is your “call” waiting?

Some people are fortunate to have clearly heard their call and have taken the steps to fulfill it and are now working in it. Others are like me and find out later in life. As I graduated with a degree in Fine Arts, it never crossed my mind that I would be a minister of the gospel, a teacher and preacher of God’s Holy Word.

First understand there is the call of God, for us to become a Christian, a believer in His Son, Jesus Christ. This happened for me in my young adult life. Once I became a Christian my mind was renewed and then I could hear the call of my vocation. There I was working in corporate America to support myself as an artist, finally receiving a call to ministry.


“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21


For God’s purpose to prevail in my life I had to go through a transformation. It did not happen overnight, it is a process and I have learned to patiently endure and enjoy the ride. I have also learned that when I feel a nudge from the Holy Spirit to avoid or break free from something or someone to move as soon as possible. Take the steps and make the change whether big or small. What do you do when a big change is necessary? It can be scary to leave a job, a relationship, to relocate, or make a financial decision. That is when you need the hand of God to come and pick you up and move you. Unfortunately, it does not happen that way. You are responsible for your actions. You have to make the decision to make the move with God.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “ Matthew 6:33


I remember when I started seminary and realized I could not do the work and stay at my full-time job. I eventually in faith resigned. It was not easy (especially financially). I decided to trust God. It was a major turning point. I was not resigning from just the job, but also from the old Tracy and walking into the calling God designed for me. In the natural the response is interesting when you tell someone, “God told me to do...” Depending on who you are talking to you may get positive or negative feedback. But that is not what is important. It is your decision to be obedient and place your faith and trust in God that is important.


“The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24


Ask yourself, "What am I doing? Have I answered the my call waiting?

Ever tried to fit into a pair of blue jeans that were too small? After lying down to put them on you lied to yourself saying they fit. Then later you faced the discomfort when simply trying to sit down. I know because I’ve done it. It was not a wise thing to do.

The same is true for staying where you are in that job or career that is the wrong fit. It may seem like a good fit; you are successful, but there is a discomfort in your spirit. You may find yourself saying...I hate my job, yet you may have no idea what you should be doing. God has something awesome for you to do. Everybody has a calling. Is your call waiting for you?


“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29


Instead trying to wear pants that don’t fit, I now use wisdom. I buy the right size and go to the gym. Apply this same wisdom to hear and answer your call. Go to the spiritual gym, the church, start reading the Word of God, do some prayer exercises and follow God’s directions. You may have to go back to school, change careers, move or do something beyond your imagination. Trust God and He will guide you. He is your own personal trainer. What God has designed for you is unique to you, it's not one size fits all, it is one size that only fits you.

Is your call is waiting? Answer the call!


“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

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